
America X Reader--Ice Cream Date Ch. 2

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~Alfred's POV~

I went outside to give ______ her ice cream, but when I got out there all I saw was her large purse with her note book still in it. "She always takes her notebook with her every were she goes. She's so possessive of that I haven't seen what's inside of it," I said to myself.

As I approached her stuff I hear a loud engine of a red sports car. "______ would never run off, not without telling me or taking her notebook; she was kidnapped. And that's the the getaway car!" I said as I ran towards my own blue sports car, getting ready to go in hot pursuit of the perpetrator.

"Matthew come in, Matthew come in. I'm going in hot pursuit in my street car. Can you pin-point my location and keep it locked on? I repeat, I'm going in hot pursuit in my street car." I called into the cop radio that I had installed.

~Matthew's POV(At the police station that Alfred, Arthur, and Matthew work at)~

"Sure thing Alfred, I'll pin-point your location right now," I told America. "Okay I'm done - WAH!! YOU'RE GOING WAY OVER THE SPEED LIMIT, AMERICA!!!"

"Whoa dude, I never knew that you could shout like that," I could almost hear him smirk as he went faster.

"I'll tell the other cops that you are in hot pursuit. Mind turning on your cameras?"

"Thanks, I will need all the help I can get right now," Alfred said as he turned on his front and rear cameras.

"Should I send back up?"

"No, I don't want this to be getting too big."

"I got all the police cars in your area and 100 miles out informed"


"You're going at 115 miles now."

"And my cars limit is 250, your point is....?"

~Antonio and Francis' Car~

"God, America is not giving up," Antonio said.

"Maybe we should go in?"Francis replied.

"Do you think he has one?"

"No, there's only a handful of them in the world. Even if he did have one he would never drive it."

"You have a good point. Let's go in."

~Alfred's POV~

"WHAT!!? WHAT ARE THAY DOING!!!?" Alfred screamed at the radio.

"Good God, are they going into the water!!?" Matthew said from his side as he got up for his chair, causing it to topple over with a loud 'CRASH'.

"Great, I didn't know they had a Python!!"

"It's okay Alfred--"Matthew tried to say but Alfred cut him off.


"I though they robbed a business or something."

"No!! They took ______!!"

"What!!? Why!!?"

"I don't know! She doesn't even know I'm the personification of America yet!"

"Yet? You know we are not supposed to tell anyone about our secret," Matthew informed him calmly. He paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Do you love her, Alfred?"

"Well, yeah. Of course I love her! And even though neither of us have had the guts in the past to tell each other,....I know she loves me back," I said with a voice full of melancholy as I shuffled around a small wood box I made in my pocket.

"Did you get the license of the car with the camera?" I asked while slowing going back down to the regular speed limit.

"Yep, its BTT-216."

"BTT-216.....I think I have heard of that car before. I'm heading to the station."

"'Kay, is that all Alfred?"

"No, just one more thing, could you call Arthur? We will need his help."

"Will do," Matthew said before he hung up.

~Matthew's POV~


"Hullo?" Arthur murmured into the phone.

"Hi Arthur. We need your help down at the station." I tried being quiet because he sounded like he had a hangover.

"Muh...who is tis...?"Arthur said while getting up to look at what time it was.

"It's Canada. Arthur, how much did you have to drink last night?" I could tell he was as drunk as logger on New Year's Eve.

"Huh? Oh, well yah know..."

"Anyway, we need you at the station on the double."

"What?~ Why?~~" Arthur whined like a little kid "Can't you and Alfred handle it? It can't be THAT important."

"__________'s been kidnapped," I said coldly.


"Do you want me to bring your computer to the darkroom?" I asked because it sound like it was the worst hangover ever.

"Yeh, could you? It would be a great help for me not to be the sun.......or any light for that matter."

"Doing it know, vampire."

"Shut up, you git!" I could hear the elevator as he went down to the garage from his flat on the top floor.

~___________'s POV~

I hear the car finally stop. "That must have been the longest drive in my life" I though.

*****^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v Le time skippy to inside the house^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v********

The blindfold was taken off of me as I was being place in a cell. "Underground, maybe?" I said to myself. Once I got a good look at their faces, I saw that they both had red eyes. But their hair wasn't white like Alfred's friend Gilbert.

After I was securely inside the cell the Spanish one took the gag out of my mouth, while the French one untied the cloth that was around my ankles and wrist.

"I don't believe that we have properly introduced ourselves," The French one said as he got back up looking at me with hungry eyes.

"Why yes, I think that you are right.~" The Spanish one said as, he too, gave me the same hungry look.

I was completely disgusted that they would kidnap me and leave me locked up in a cell underground. "They've got another thing coming. Alfred will rescue me. He is my hero after all," I tried saying to comfort myself, because I was afraid to think I would be here forever.....or.... at least until I died. I shuddered at the thought.

"My name is Francis Bonnefoy and this is my partner....." He gestured toward the other man to speak.

"Antonio Fernandez Carriedo" He said turning to Francis, "What should we do to her Francis?"

"I don't know let's wait and ask the boss."
Yeah!! Another one finished!!!:iconlaplz:

So Alfred is a no likey, TOO BAD!!I LIKE MEH SEXY COP CHARITERS!!!
(wtf was that-c-?) And sorry for all the POV swiching, and how OOC Canada is too -v-

Ch. 1-[link]
Ch. 2-:iconhereplz:
Ch. 3-[link]
Ch. 4-[link]

BTT-216 car--[link]
Alfred's car(sorry i couldnt find a blue so use you :iconimanationplz:)--

My lovely awesome editor--:iconobsessiveotaku46:
hetalia(c)Hidekaz Himaruya
story idea(c):iconiamdeprivedofsleep:

R.I.P the ice cream
© 2012 - 2024 IAmDeprivedOfSleep
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mewXxtaytay's avatar
jesus, I would hate if i was kidnapped like THAT... on a day like that! xD